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Summer Reading Tips

School's out for summer, but that doesn't mean kids should stop reading. Read the tips below and find what works best to inspire a love of reading in your young reader!

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1. Make it a Family Affair! Read aloud with younger children every day. For older children, you can read with them by reading the same book and discussing it together. Children love time with their parents. Make reading a joint activity not an individual assignment.


2. Set a good example! We can encourage reading by modeling it. Find a book you enjoy and read alongside your children.


3. Follow your child's lead! Let your child choose what they want to read. Your child will be more motivated to read a book they have chosen because they find it interesting. If you need help, ask a librarian, a teacher, or another parent. Don’t worry if your child wants to explore a book that seems too easy or too hard. Keep in mind we want to keep our children interested in reading and encourage a love of reading. An easy book can keep things fun and a more challenging book might be more captivating.


4. Make reading part of everyday activities. This will help form daily reading habits. Read a book (or a chapter) at breakfast, during snack time, or even during bathtime for littles! Of course, bedtime is the perfect time to wind down with some reading. If it’s part of an existing routine it’s more likely to become a habit.


5. Encourage reading before screen time. Read one book or one chapter before any screen time. You can also set a time i.e. 15 minutes of reading for 30 minutes of screen time. 


6. Create or find a fun reading space! Read outside in a hammock, blankets on the lawn, under a tree or build a cool fort and read with flashlights. 


7. Give Audiobooks a try. Did you know libraries offer free digital resources including many audiobooks? Try listening to a book in the car or turn it on while you cook dinner. 


8. Keep it Interesting. One way to keep your child engaged is to encourage a wide variety of materials. They could try poetry, short stories, non-fiction, and even magazines. 


9. Look for reading everywhere. Read instructions for games and activities. Read menus at restaurants. Read signs, maps, and brochures. We can find print everywhere we go. 


10. Join a summer reading program or create your own.  Libraries and schools often have fun reading programs with incentives at a midpoint or at the end of the program. You can also create your own reading program with fun goals that you know will motivate your individual child.  

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